レゴテクニック ヤマハ MT-10SP(c)2023 The LEGO Group. Yamaha, the Tuning Fork Mark, MT-10 SP and the likeness there of are trademarks of Yamaha Motor Corp., USA & Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd used under license.

レゴジャパンは、ヤマハ『MT-10SP』を5分の1スケールで再現した『レゴテクニック ヤマハ MT-10SP』を8月1日より発売する。


レゴテクニック ヤマハ MT-10SPは、合計1478個のブロックや特殊パーツで構成。水冷DOHC 4気筒エンジンやギヤボックスなど、本格的なディテールまでこだわった。加えて、ギアなどの仕組みの理解を促すリアルな動きなど、精密な造りで前例のない組み立て体験を提供する。


レゴテクニック ヤマハ MT-10SP(c)2023 The LEGO Group. Yamaha, the Tuning Fork Mark, MT-10 SP and the likeness there of are trademarks of Yamaha Motor Corp., USA & Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd used under license. レゴテクニック ヤマハ MT-10SP(c)2023 The LEGO Group. Yamaha, the Tuning Fork Mark, MT-10 SP and the likeness there of are trademarks of Yamaha Motor Corp., USA & Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd used under license. レゴテクニック ヤマハ MT-10SP(c)2023 The LEGO Group. Yamaha, the Tuning Fork Mark, MT-10 SP and the likeness there of are trademarks of Yamaha Motor Corp., USA & Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd used under license. レゴテクニック ヤマハ MT-10SP(c)2023 The LEGO Group. Yamaha, the Tuning Fork Mark, MT-10 SP and the likeness there of are trademarks of Yamaha Motor Corp., USA & Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd used under license. レゴテクニック ヤマハ MT-10SP(c)2023 The LEGO Group. Yamaha, the Tuning Fork Mark, MT-10 SP and the likeness there of are trademarks of Yamaha Motor Corp., USA & Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd used under license. レゴテクニック ヤマハ MT-10SP(c)2023 The LEGO Group. Yamaha, the Tuning Fork Mark, MT-10 SP and the likeness there of are trademarks of Yamaha Motor Corp., USA & Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd used under license. レゴテクニック ヤマハ MT-10SP(c)2023 The LEGO Group. Yamaha, the Tuning Fork Mark, MT-10 SP and the likeness there of are trademarks of Yamaha Motor Corp., USA & Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd used under license. レゴテクニック ヤマハ MT-10SP(c)2023 The LEGO Group. Yamaha, the Tuning Fork Mark, MT-10 SP and the likeness there of are trademarks of Yamaha Motor Corp., USA & Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd used under license. レゴテクニック ヤマハ MT-10SP(c)2023 The LEGO Group. Yamaha, the Tuning Fork Mark, MT-10 SP and the likeness there of are trademarks of Yamaha Motor Corp., USA & Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd used under license. レゴテクニック ヤマハ MT-10SP(c)2023 The LEGO Group. Yamaha, the Tuning Fork Mark, MT-10 SP and the likeness there of are trademarks of Yamaha Motor Corp., USA & Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd used under license. レゴテクニック ヤマハ MT-10SP(c)2023 The LEGO Group. Yamaha, the Tuning Fork Mark, MT-10 SP and the likeness there of are trademarks of Yamaha Motor Corp., USA & Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd used under license. レゴテクニック ヤマハ MT-10SP(c)2023 The LEGO Group. Yamaha, the Tuning Fork Mark, MT-10 SP and the likeness there of are trademarks of Yamaha Motor Corp., USA & Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd used under license. レゴテクニック ヤマハ MT-10SP(c)2023 The LEGO Group. Yamaha, the Tuning Fork Mark, MT-10 SP and the likeness there of are trademarks of Yamaha Motor Corp., USA & Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd used under license. レゴテクニック ヤマハ MT-10SP(c)2023 The LEGO Group. Yamaha, the Tuning Fork Mark, MT-10 SP and the likeness there of are trademarks of Yamaha Motor Corp., USA & Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd used under license. レゴテクニック ヤマハ MT-10SP(c)2023 The LEGO Group. Yamaha, the Tuning Fork Mark, MT-10 SP and the likeness there of are trademarks of Yamaha Motor Corp., USA & Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd used under license. レゴテクニック ヤマハ MT-10SP(c)2023 The LEGO Group. Yamaha, the Tuning Fork Mark, MT-10 SP and the likeness there of are trademarks of Yamaha Motor Corp., USA & Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd used under license. レゴテクニック ヤマハ MT-10SP(c)2023 The LEGO Group. Yamaha, the Tuning Fork Mark, MT-10 SP and the likeness there of are trademarks of Yamaha Motor Corp., USA & Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd used under license. レゴテクニック ヤマハ MT-10SP(c)2023 The LEGO Group. Yamaha, the Tuning Fork Mark, MT-10 SP and the likeness there of are trademarks of Yamaha Motor Corp., USA & Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd used under license. レゴテクニック ヤマハ MT-10SP(c)2023 The LEGO Group. Yamaha, the Tuning Fork Mark, MT-10 SP and the likeness there of are trademarks of Yamaha Motor Corp., USA & Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd used under license. レゴテクニック ヤマハ MT-10SP(c)2023 The LEGO Group. Yamaha, the Tuning Fork Mark, MT-10 SP and the likeness there of are trademarks of Yamaha Motor Corp., USA & Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd used under license.